
Empowerment From Within.

JP Energies provides a safe space to explore the parts of yourself you keep hidden or wish to heal.. When we shine light on our shadows and bring awareness to our wounds, true healing occurs.

Through Reiki healing and empowered techniques we will work together to restore harmony to your emotional, physical, and energetic experiences. Explore our sessions below, or click the button to book now.

What to Expect

Engaging with energetic healing is a unique and personal experience. This is a poignant, empowering process that takes different forms for each client. However, during our work together you are guaranteed a safe space to feel, process, and heal.

Sessions can be performed in person or via distance. The start of the session will involve introducing ourselves and taking a look at the circumstances that prompted you to book the session. No matter if you healing goal is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Then, you will be guided into a relaxed state, laying on the table if in person or into a comfortable position in your own home.

The majority of the session will be focused on healing, using hands on techniques and energetic channeling. Depending on your needs, additional tools such as crystals, essential oils, and sound healing may be used.

Upon completion of the session, we will take time to unpack what you experienced and explore what will be supportive to continue our healing over the coming days. If you have additional questions about what it’s like to experience a session, please contact me, or click the button below for more information.

Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a powerful healing experience that restores the natural harmony of the body and energy. Reiki sessions leave you feeling more peaceful, centered, uplifted, and energetic.

Participating in a Reiki healing can help reduce stress, ease chronic pain, increase energy, and alleviate tension. We offer Reiki Sessions both in person and via distance:

  • 30 Minute for $60

  • 60 Minutes for $85

  • 90 Minutes for $133

Discounts available for sessions booked weekly, twice monthly, and packages available.

Shamanic Healing combines the Divine healing energy of Reiki with the grounding, earthy energy of Shamanic Techniques. In these sessions, we will use various Shamanic techniques to engage with the areas of your being that need loving attention.

By approaching healing from a holistic perspective, we are able to create powerful change and transformation in a short period of time. Shamanic Reiki sessions may include the use of additional techniques such as Shamanic journeys, sound healing, Chakra analysis, cord cutting soul retrieval, past life healing, and more. We offer Shamanic Reiki Sessions both in person and via distance:

  • 90 Minutes for $155

  • 120 Minutes for $188

Shamanic Reiki

What People Are Saying

Anne’s Shamanic Reiki Journey…

I have had several in person and distance sessions with Elizabeth, my favorite Reiki Master. When I heard that she was doing Shamanic Reiki, I was eager to try it. I had been lightheaded, nauseous, and had blurry vision for weeks. After trying traditional doctor appointments without solutions, I sought out Elizabeth and she offered the Shamanic Reiki distance session as an option and I immediately jumped at the chance. What happened next was a deeply spiritual session where I could physically feel the differences as Elizabeth was working through - releasing the cords and frayed edges of my chakras and pulled out the negative energy that I had encapsulated in my physical body. I literally would feel as if I were going to burp up gas bubbles and then, to my complete surprise, Elizabeth would burp 2000 miles away and the gas bubbles immediately dissipated. She maintained clear communication both of what she was doing and what I might encounter as she continued the two hour session.

When we were done with the session, I had immediate relief and the sensations I previously felt have not returned, even though it has been two months since our session. I was grounded, no longer had the ties to the trauma, and my physical symptoms completely went away. This experience was unparalleled and completely transformative. I would recommend this specific modality and Elizabeth without any hesitation to any person who is looking for relief and cannot find clear answers through traditional methods. My only regret is not seeing her sooner.

- Anne H.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a natural and comprehensive way to heal emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Through a Reiki healing session, Elizabeth English of JP Energies is able to activate the natural healing processes of your body to restore physical and emotional well-being.

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word Rei, which means “universal life,” and Ki, which means “energy.” Reiki is not affiliated with any religion or religious practice. Reiki is not designed to replace your current self-care treatments or regime, but is the perfect complement to your current care!

Visit us

40 E. Main Street Fredonia, NY 14063


Wednesday: 12pm - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 3pm
